Me & You & Maddie Moo

I love good deals!

I’m so stoked about my sandals! Do people even use that word anymore..stoked? Well I am. And yes i realize it is Just the beginning of February and i live in the midwest..but hey! the groundhog saw his shadow so i may get to wear them sooner than you think! Besides three pairs of shoes for under $20! Who wouldn’t be excited?! husband really didn’t care. But I’m thrilled.


So the ones on the left are SO from Kohls got on clearance midweek, and they are actually my favorite because practically every color in my wardrobe is in them. I wear lots of muted earthy colors. Hubby didn’t care for them but so what! Paid $8 something for them including tax.

The black and brown pairs are Montego Bay Club from Payless purchased today. I know there is nothing really special about them but feel like I just needed a couple basic pairs to wear with anything. ( I am more partial to the brown than the black though) Payless was having their BOGO 50% off so got one for $7 and the other for $3.50!

I so love good deals.

Ooooo…and I found a Hancock Fabrics while we went on a little excursion today. Here’s a sneak peek at what I picked up for projects soon to come:


So did you get any good deals this week? Would love to hear about them!

I hope you have a blessed Sunday tomorrow. As much work as it takes to get everybody out the door in the morning I am glad to be able to spend time in Gods presence and be renewed!

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